Lockdown 3 - How Are You Coping? January 17, 2021 17:44

Spring seems a long way away, but I am already getting prepared for those first warm sunny Spring days pottering in my garden - I can't wait!


 Lockdowns have made us realise how important it is to take time out for ourselves, to slow down and enjoy our gardens.  Hopefully by Spring we will be lookinf forward to trips out, holiday and normality returning.


Hope you are all safe and well and looking after your wellbeing at home and look forward to bringing new products very soon to help you decorate your outdoor space to make it the best place to be.






I currently have my January Clearance available ready to clear space for my new products arriving very soon!  


As soon as my events and pop up shop can reopen I will be in touch!  Thank you for your continued support in my small business.


Caroline xx